Our Story

Matt and Carrie Corder were a part of Restoration Church for fifteen years. Their primary passion, to pursue the presence of the Lord, infused every area of ministry they led. As their desire to know the Lord more deeply increased, so did their desire for everyone around them to know the Lord more deeply. They found themselves frequently pastoring people on a personal level and increasingly engaging in forms of discipleship. They felt that someday they would be lead pastors, but they thought it was much farther down the road. In early 2024, Matt began to seek the Lord for the coming year, and to his surprise the Lord very quickly and clearly impressed on His heart (and Carrie’s) that the time to pastor was now. The Lord instructed them to walk through doors as they opened and led them through nine months of online bible courses. The Lord released Matt and Carrie to plant His House out of their home in January 2025. Their heart is to build simply and slowly on the foundation of Christ alone through Word and Spirit.

Leadership Team

Matt Corder

Lead Teaching Pastor/Elder

Carrie Corder

Children’s Director

Matt and his wife Carrie moved to St Joseph in 2008, and it has truly become their home. Matt’s professional background is in Anesthesia, but over the last 14 years, Matt has ministered in various capacities including worship leader, elder, and teacher. His heart is to see a beautiful balance of Word and Spirit within the local church. Carrie directs His Kids, the children’s ministry of His House. Matt and Carrie’s most precious ministry is raising their four children to know and love the Lord.

Mike Corder

Elder/Finance Director

Mike and Joy Corder’s journey with the Lord began in South Texas during the Jesus movement. Though Mike’s professional background is in engineering, it was Asbury Seminary that drew them to Kentucky in 1969, their home for almost 50 years. Prayer ministry has been their primary focus. Mike has served as board advisor for a national prayer ministry and Kentucky state director for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Network. The Lord led Mike and Joy to start a house of prayer out of Grace Fellowship—Lexington in 2005, which remains a thriving ministry today. In 2022, they moved to Lee’s Summit to join the International House of Prayer, and in the fall of 2024, they joyfully moved to St Joseph to join Matt and Carrie in planting His House. Mike and Joy have five grown children, of which Matt is the youngest.